
New Jersey Will Template

Can I Write My Own Will in New Jersey?

Yes, and you should. Consulting with an attorney is the best option, but don’t let best be the enemy of good enough. Get something in writing today.

New Jersey residents that die without a will will have their property distributed according to the state intestacy laws. In essence, the deceased’s property will be given to their relatives, working out in concentric circles of relation from spouse and children to distant cousins.

Laws vary by state, but in general a will is valid if it is:

  1. In writing.

  2. Signed by the party the will is for in front of two witnesses.

  3. Signed by those same two witnesses.

  4. Created by an individual that has reached the age of majority and is of sound mind.

In New Jersey, a will will be valid, at least for purposes of not dying intestate, even without a witness signature. The process may be more drawn out for your family, and they may be called to testify that the will really was drafted by you, but at least you’ll keep your estate clear of the intestacy laws.

Get started today with a simple form and reach out if you want to draft something more bespoke.

Download New Jersey Will Template